Monday, June 20, 2005

Lessons in Torture

If Senator Durbin or any of the nutbags who cheered his execrable rhetorical puke against U.S. servicepeople last week ever burble up a genuine desire to learn about what torture really is, here are a few places they can go to find out:

Nazi Alert for Senator Durbin!

A history lesson for Sen. Durbin (with pictures)

Kos Says U.S. Torture 'Equal' To that of Saddam Hussein (A comparison) (with picutures)

How Can They Honestly Believe What They Are Saying? (with pictures)

Meanwhile, TKS relays us additional evidence of the "cruelty" and "inhumanity" being administered to the poor, mistreated jihadi animals at Gitmo:

Here's a list that might help you if you're willing to listen to an Ordained Elder who knows the facts rather than accusations made based on speculation. I'll respond here specifically to some of the ones I've heard.

1. The detainees have direct access to the International Red Cross representatives contrary to the accusations that they have no outside contact. Also, all the detainees are allowed to write and receive mail from family.

2. The detainees have their food prepared according to Islamic guidelines. The call to prayer is broadcast for them to go to prayer. Each detainee has the direction to Meccah painted in their cell. They are allowed to practice their religion without interference and are given the religious items they need to do so. They are allowed to observe Ramadan.

3. There are strict guidelines and training concerning human rights protections. If a service member sees a violation they are to report it and if asked to violate someone's human rights they are to consider it as an unlawful order. Those who violate are subject to prosecution.

If there's any controversy about this arrangement, it ought to be that we're treating these theocratic barbarians far better than their actions and demonic ideology deserve. Something that the Bush Administration might have bothered to publicize more if they could ever have imagined nearly the entirety of the erstwhile "legitimate" political opposition dropping all pretense of loyalty and making common cause with the enemy.

Doesn't mean that is going to announce a suicide bombing campaign on their website next week. Doesn't have to; when the #2 Democrat in the U.S. Senate dispenses de facto al Qaeda propaganda from the very floor of the upper chamber, that's a bigger boon to the would-be global caliphate than any number of car bombs detonated anywhere save the U.S. itself.

Come to think of it, that was about the biggest (metaphorical) bomb of all - in more ways than one.