Saturday, August 20, 2005

The Global Warming Facts Of Life

The cost of stopping (alleged) global warming would be the end of human civilization (via The Corner and B4B):

As John McCain and Hillary Clinton visit a glacier at the height of summer and are horrified to find it melting, a useful reality check emerges from the UK. The influential economic consultancy Lombard Street Research has estimated how much it would cost to stop global warming: half of global GDP. The firm's Charles Dumas told the Irish Independent (registration required):

"It follows from any cost-benefit analysis that nobody is going to do anything serious about global warming. The cost of any serious measures would be orders of magnitude greater than whatever is needed by way of defences against a 15-foot rise in sea levels and freak weather insurance. In reality, no-one seriously proposes a cure for global warming, because adequate measures would cause economic catastrophe and probably world war. We are going to have to live with it."

Senator McCain should stop hiding behind the science and face up to the implications of his demands. His own bill would do nothing measurable to reduce global warming at the cost of $776 billion. We now know stopping global warming by the methods he and the Greens advocate would itself be a catastrophe. [my emphases]

And history shows time and again that dictatorship almost always follows in the wake of economic catastrophe and war.

The watermelon brigade (green on the outside, red on the inside) knows that. And this should cast yet another sinister light upon the presidential ambitions not only of Mrs. Clinton, but Darth Queeg as well.