Saturday, August 13, 2005

Random Stuff

Whew, what a week! We have been out of town to my daughter's last state marching band competition...where they kicked butt! 1st place in the small band division, 3rd place overall in the state out of 42 bands. Not too shabby.

Reading over the news in the last few days, it strikes me that the Left, if it is possible, have gotten even more loony and disconnected than they were when I left. The lunatic fringe have latched on to Cindy Sheehan and are using and exploiting her like nothing I've ever seen. And she doesn't even know it. She thinks they care about HER, and about her son. The charges against Tom DeLay didn't work, their attacks on Cheney didn't work, their arguments against Roberts are preposterous in most peoples' eyes, their orgasms over the Downing Street Memos turned out to be wet they're looking to Cindy Sheehan to finally help them do some damage to the President. Trouble much as you want to feel her pain in the loss of her son, she is doing all she can to make me, at least, regard her as just another opportunist who wants some TV face time. If anyone is dishonoring her son's death and our troops' mission, it is her. Wonder how our soldiers on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan feel when they see this kind of crap? Well no, I don't wonder. And she should be ashamed of herself.

Then I read about Operation Able Danger. What a travesty. We all knew the 9-11 Commission was worthless partisan opportunism designed to hurt Bush's re-election chances, now it seems it even covered up what it didn't want to see, because it reflected badly on the Clinton Administration. As John Podhoretz in NRO's The Corner says, we need to make sure we don't act like the moonbats on the left and start with the conspiracy theories, and just wait until we have proof of the facts before doing too much crowing about how right we have been all along.