Monday, August 01, 2005

Today's Grand Bull Moose Gold Medal Winner Of Chutzpah

...goes to the man with everything in his pants except what's supposed to be down there, Samuel "Sandy" Berger (also known as the man who belongs in Leavenworth learning the finer parts of downsizing boulders as his new lifetime pursuit), for this:

Convicted 9/11 Commission document thief Sandy Berger is blasting the Bush Administration for failing to bring security to Iraq after toppling Saddam Hussein.

How a lightning bolt didn't cleave his asshole in two I can only attribute to God working in strange and mysterious ways. But ol' Bergaler will get what's coming to him sooner or later - just probably not before he serves a term or two as Hillary's Secretary of State.

I reiterate my warning: be prepared for an onslaught of this crap as the Clinton crowd makes its grand, long-anticipated comeback. They're going to re-write the history of the 2000s and thereby re-re-write the history of the 1990s right along with it, and "Clinton44" will become "Clinton42"'s ultimate legacy.

T'will be a poisoned buffet, of which the above BS is but a tiny appetizer.