Monday, August 22, 2005

Walt Dhimmi Makes It Official

Disney-owned ABC directed ABC-owned WMAL radio in Washington, D.C., at the insistence of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, to make radio host Michael Graham's suspension for telling the truth about Islam into a formal termination:

On July 25th, the Council on American-Islamic Relations demanded that I be "punished" for my on-air statements regarding Islam and its tragic connections to terrorism. Three days later, 630 WMAL and ABC Radio suspended me without pay for comments deemed "hate radio" by CAIR.

CAIR immediately announced that my punishment was insufficient and demanded I be fired. ABC Radio and 630 WMAL have now complied. I have now been fired for making the specific comments CAIR deemed "offensive," and for refusing to retract those statements in a management-mandated, on-air apology. ABC Radio further demanded that I agree to perform what they described as "additional outreach efforts" to those people or groups who felt offended.

I refused. And for that refusal, I have been fired.

It appears that ABC Radio has caved to an organization that condemns talk radio hosts like me, but has never condemned Hamas, Hezbollah, and one that wouldn't specifically condemn Al Qaeda for three months after 9/11.

To say nothing of what ABC's reaction would have been if a left-wing counterpart to Mr. Graham had made a bigoted and/or condescending on-air comment about, say, evangelical Christians, and, say, Focus on the Family or the Christian Coalition had gone after WMAL and demanded the host's ouster. When the suits as Disney had caught their breath from the avalanche of hysterical laughter, they'd have attacked James Dobson or Pat Robertson the way the Extreme Media usually does, as "censors," "brownshirts," "the American Taliban," etc.

Yes, Mr. Graham cries "censorship" too, and LaShawn Barber is correct to point out that only the government can censor speech (can you say, "Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act"?). What ABC has done, however, is arguably even worse: self-dhimmization. Our enemies have no power to stamp out "Crusader" speech that we ourselves do not give them. Here ABC has all but attempted to impose sharia law on Michael Graham, and by extention his listeners, on CAIR's behalf.

I think Mr. Graham will land on his feet. It's ABC's detestable actions that are worrisome. At a time when even the formerly and fanatically multicultural EUnuchs are waking up to the deadly enemy they've obliviously accepted into their very midst, the cultural "elites" here still stubbornly cultivate shame in their own country, its history, and its heritage, to the degree of acting as freelance thought cops for a group that really does seek censorship - and a great deal worse - for us all.

It's no exaggeration to say that the West won the Cold War without firing a shot by simply exploiting the inherent, and lethal, contradictions that characterized Soviet communism. It is also no exaggeration to state that, as Michael Graham's shafting ignominiously (and ominously) illustrates, the potential exists in the GWOT for that table to be turned against us.

And it has taken another big step toward realization.

[HT: Powerline]