Sunday, August 21, 2005

Moonbat Attack

Or...How Not To Support The Troops. Over at From the Bleachers, one of the writers dissects Bob Herbert's snarky op-ed in the New York Times. No facts, no coherent arguments, just -- surprise, surprise -- cheap shots at the President. As the writer says, there are things that could be intelligently argued about how this war has been fought, things that might have been done differently, etc., but Bob Herbert resorts to the standard moonbat insults that have become old and overdone. Case in point:

Mr. Bush is the commander in chief who launched a savage war in Iraq and now spends his days happily riding his bicycle in Texas...If the nation really cared, the president would not be frolicking at his ranch for the entire month of August. He'd be back in Washington burning the midnight oil, trying to figure out how to get the troops out of the terrible fix he put them in. Instead, Mr. Bush is bicycling as soldiers and marines are dying. Dozens have been killed since he went off on his vacation.

Herbert tries to give the impression that Bush just doesn't give a damn. Anyone who has ever heard him speak or watched his actions knows better than that. I suspect Bob Herbert does too. But, as I've said before, the Left finds it very difficult to be honest about anything, ESPECIALLY anything having to do with this President. The cheap shot above is just another example.

[A] young woman emerged from a restaurant into 95-degree heat and gleefully exclaimed, "All right, let's go shopping!" The war was the furthest thing from her mind... For the most part, the only people sacrificing for this war are the troops and their families, and very few of them are coming from the privileged economic classes... College kids in the U.S. are playing video games and looking forward to frat parties while their less fortunate peers are rattling around like moving targets in Baghdad and Mosul, trying to dodge improvised explosive devices and rocket-propelled grenades... If the war in Iraq is worth fighting - if it's a noble venture, as the hawks insist it is - then it's worth fighting with the children of the privileged classes. They should be added to the combat mix. If it's not worth their blood, then we should bring the other troops home. If Mr. Bush's war in Iraq is worth dying for, then the children of the privileged should be doing some of the dying.

They've been using this one a lot lately. Only the low income, less educated "kids" are being "sent" to Iraq. First of all, these are not "kids." Second of all, they are not being "sent." They are volunteering to go and do something that few of us would have the guts to do. And Mr. Herbert demeans them all by implying that none of them could be "college kids." They must all be dumb schmucks tricked by the evil George W. Bush into going to war. What colossal stupidity. This particular line of spin is especially abhorrent to me. These soldiers are fighting and dying for Mr. Herbert's right to display his ignorance for all to see. He's certainly not worth it, in my opinion, but they do it anyway...because they have more character and integrity in their little fingers than he has in his whole being.