Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Sean Penn Pays Tribute To Bob Denver

This sounds like something out of a Gilligan's Island bit:

Sean Penn's Hurricane Katrina rescue boat just wasn't sound enough to help those in New Orleans. Penn had planned to rescue children waylaid by Katrina's flood waters [in order to illustrate how "easy" it is and spotlight the Bush Administration's alleged "criminal negligence"], but apparently forgot to plug in a hole in the bottom of his vessel, which began filling with water seconds after its launch the other day, reports the Melbourne Herald Sun. The star was seen wearing what appeared to be a white flak jacket and frantically bailing water out with a red plastic cup. When the motor didn't start, Penn and his entourage — including a personal photographer — were forced to use paddles to propel themselves down a flooded street.

No word on if he subsequently dubbed his dinghy the SS Minnow. Though I think it can safely be said that this is the closest Sean Penn has come to falling in since the last time he did Madonna. [HT: Powerline]

Got a good chuckle from another PL post right above the aforelinked one:

These problems are inherent, and thus will persist long after the inevitable commission has issued its reports and the findings have been implemented. Nonetheless, given what terrorists may be able to accomplish in the near future, we need to find some answers that will enable us to do better next time. For starters, big cities need to elect more Giulianis and fewer Nagins. [emphasis added]

I'm not making light of either the subject matter or advice, but to modify a quote from the late McLean Stevenson's Henry Blake on an early episode of M*A*S*H, "Everybody who believes that'll happen, stand on your head."

Doesn't take the Professor to figure that one out....