Monday, October 17, 2005

Miscelleneous Musings

Back from a weekend in Chicago at a Feis (traditional Irish dance competition). My daughter is working towards getting to the World Championships for Irish dance in Ireland, so we go to these competitions quite often in order for her to "move up" and qualify. Take it from me, Irish dance is alive and well. There were well over 2000 dancers at this competition.

Back at college, she tells me that her Political Science professor and her Honors English professor are married, and about as liberal as they come. That shows up in their assignments and what they talk about. Her English prof gave the class a nutjob post over at, and then told them they had to write an objective analysis of it, meaning they couldn't use conservative web sites as their sources. Huh? Facts is facts, lady, no matter what your source is. I've shown my daughter, though, how many left-leaning sites will only give part of the story, or skew it so that it conforms to what they want the reader to get from it. My daughter tells me that she has met many students who agree with her and lean conservative, but they just don't speak up very much. Many of them, including my daughter, just aren't sure how to back up what they believe. I have given her a host of web sites to go to and read and learn, hopefully she'll do it.

I was glad to read how well the Iraq election went. It will therefore, of course, be buried by the MSM. Watch and see. It is amazing how resilient the Iraqi people are, and that is a testament to how right Bush is regarding their desire for freedom, and how right the USA is to be there to help them achieve it. It is terribly sad that we have so many on the Left in this country who would prefer that they were still under the tyrannical rule of Saddam Hussein. Just THINK about that for a minute. There is no small number of radical leftists who want us to fail in Iraq, which means they care not a whit for the Iraqi people, their cries about human rights notwithstanding. They only care about human rights if they can use that phrase to bash our military or our President. What a scurvy lot.

I see many on the Right are still yowling about the nomination of Harriet Miers. My opinion is there has been a gross over-reaction on our part, and I think it reflects badly on conservatives. Reasoned debate and disagreement is one thing, predicting the end of Bush's presidency and gloom and disaster for the conservative movement because of this is quite another. She will have her hearings...give her a chance.

Have a great week!