Friday, October 14, 2005

Al Qaeda On The Ropes

Good news that the MSM hates to cover...this is from Kim R. Holmes at the Heritage Foundation:

After months of speculation that al-Qaeda is reconstituting itself and gaining strength because of the war in Iraq, new evidence suggests that it actually may be in trouble. An intercepted letter to Abu Musab Zarqawi, leader of al-Qaeda’s Iraq faction, from Osama bin Laden’s deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri, suggests that serious divisions exists in al-Qaeda’s leadership. The letter even suggests that al-Qaeda is running short of cash; Zawahiri asks for money because “many lines have been cut off.” If Saturday’s referendum on the Iraqi constitution is successful—and the deal reached this week with some Sunni leaders makes that even more likely—we could be seeing the beginning of the end of Zarqawi and his terrorist allies as a political force in Iraq.

Great article, read the whole thing.

JAS adds: bin Laden must be pissing himself over the Zawahiri letter - al Qaeda is claiming that it's a fake.

Brother Hindraker speculates not if, but when, American libs, desperate as always to deny George Bush any war-related vindication, will join propaganda forces (again) with the jihadis and echo their fabrication claims.