Friday, November 25, 2005

From The "Who Cares?" File

....come these two shoulder-shrugging items:

Hillary Clinton's Left-wing Slip Showing

Hillary Clinton's 2008 presidential poll numbers continue to slip with the Democratic Party's left wing base - according to the latest online survey conducted by the Daily Kos web site.

The former first lady has now slid to fifth place among likely candidates, with Virginia Governor Mark Warner leapfrogging past her into third place. She now ranks just above the Koz category "No Freakin' Clue" among top Democrats who are expected to run....

Former General Wesley Clark continues to lead in the Kos poll, winning the backing of 26%. Senator Russ Feingold trails in second place, with 19% support. Former vice presidential candidate John Edwards comes in fourth, with 12% support.

I only have one respectfully offered question to pose about the above: How is the Dean administration doing these days (and I don't mean the DNC)?

C'mon, people, Wesley Clark? Wesley Crusher has a better chance.

~ ~ ~

Cindy Sheehan Resumes Anti-War Protest in Texas

The [goat-faced, cretinous neoBolshevik] whose vigil against the war in Iraq outside President Bush's ranch returned to Texas, saying she is "heartbroken" that the troops are not home.
Hey, if the AP editorializes, I reserve the right to correct it.

When Cindy Sheehan arrived at the Waco airport Thursday, three dozen supporters erupted into cheers and tears and grabbed her for lengthy embraces. Before they whisked her back to Crawford, the group chanted, "Stop the war! Bring them home now!"
They are "stopping the war" - the one being waged against us by the jihadis.

Thirty-six supporters, eh? Wow, that must have clogged the concourse at Waco International....

"I feel happy to be back here with all my friends ... but I'm heartbroken that we have to be here again," said Sheehan, who hoped to arrive earlier in the week, but was delayed by a family emergency. "We will keep pressing and we won't give up until our troops are brought home."
Such dishonest noblesse. And when 50,000 troops are redeployed next year, will she try to take credit for it or howl that it's not enough?

Sheehan asked protesters to return to Crawford this week during Bush's family Thanksgiving gathering. She was unknown when she set up camp outside Bush's ranch during his August vacation, but as the vigil drew thousands, she attracted national attention.

Sounds stalkeresque to me. You suppose she's secretly a Dubya groupie and all this sedition hubub is just a work?

Gotta love the subtley unsubtle way the AP promotes itself in that last graph. Sheehan was unknown until she came out as a rabid Bushophobic jihadi-symp, and then the Extreme press was all over her. If not for them, she'd still be wallowing in the obscurity she so richly deserves.

Ditto this very "news" piece, which is itself little more than nostalgia-mongering for the Left's most recent misbegotten celebrity and the fifteen minutes of fame they were unable to extend via "Plamegate" or elected Democrats' execrable publicity stunts of late.

Can't they make their next manufactured "heroine" a bit easier on the eyes? I mean, sheesh, at least the Barbarella-era Jane Fonda was hot....