Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Now THAT'S Funny...

This is great! From Gateway Pundit, news that the Republicans are challenging the Democrats to explain themselves on the war, even offering to buy ad time for them. Right now they're in Harry Reid's back yard, and this is what Reid is saying:

"These negative ads do nothing to get the job done in Iraq. Instead of giving our troops a plan for success or answering the serious questions of the American people, the Administration has decided to start up its political attack machine."Senator Reid says he's disappointed in Republicans, but he won't stop working with them to find real solutions in Iraq.

"Won't stop working with them?" When the heck did he START? You can tell he's a little upset over these ads, here are some quotes that define the psychological term "projecting."

"The President and Vice President shamelessly decided to play politics."

"It seems the President and Vice President have decided to treat the war likes it’s a political campaign."

"The deceiving, dividing and distorting must end. Of course, this is the same move we’ve seen from Karl Rove and Dick Cheney time and again over the last five years."

"This time stakes are too high to let them get away with it. There’s more than poll numbers or votes at stake."

"President Bush, Vice President Cheney and Karl Rove must stop the orchestrated attack campaign they launched on Veterans Day. It’s a weak, spineless display of politics at a time of war. "It’s easy to attack, Mr. President. The hard part is leading, coming clean with the American people and giving our troops a strategy for success."

Musta hit a nerve there, huh?