Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Not A Bad Week After All

Michael Barone is becoming one of my favorite writers. He really cuts to the chase. In his column in the Washington Times, he brings out some facts about last week that pretty much explain the liberal crackup we're seeing over the last couple of days. The MSM is dutifully proclaiming last week a disaster for Bush, but here's how Barone sees it:

The first of these events, at least in world importance, was the announcement Oct. 25 of the approval of the Iraqi constitution in the election held 10 days before. Mainstream media, unsurprisingly, were able to restrain their enthusiasm. The Washington Post ran a front-page story on the 2,000th American death in Iraq and ran a story on the approval of the constitution on page A13.

The successful election must not be allowed to get in the way of the media meme of quagmire and unending death and destruction. But in fact, the news about Iraq is encouraging. The Sunnis have now been brought into the political process. Voter turnout was up from the January elections, and the number of attacks way down. The targeting of Iraqis by the terrorists is surely not increasing their popularity. The number of competent Iraqi military and security units has been rapidly increasing. And the desire for democracy continues to increase in the Middle East.

Amazing how the MSM has almost ignored this history-making moment, isn't it? What a grand accomplishment by our fine military, and what guts and determination shown by the Iraqi people. The MSM, however, would rather stay mired in pessimism and gloom.

Read the rest of the article. The other three points that made last week a good week for Bush are discussed by Barone, and they include the non-indictment of Rove, the nomination of Ben Bernanke for Federal Reserve Chairman, and, of course, Alito's nomination.

As I said in my blog, JKCRight, I am really getting a chuckle (okay, lots of chuckles) out of the Left's response to all of this. Jim's analogy in another post here of so many pairs of soiled undergarments on the Left is so true. Their reaction is certainly typical and expected, but the level of spluttering and spitting right now is downright laughable. Bush just keeps on finding a way to beat them.