Saturday, December 31, 2005

Sodomizing Logic

Looks like Our Boy Lollipop has just gotten back from a junket to Bizarro World:

Massachusetts could face an "angry, divisive" fight if a proposed constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage reaches the 2008 state ballot, Representative Barney Frank says.

The congressman blamed backers of the initiative petition for trying to provoke a new fight despite a lack of controversy over same-sex marriage.

"Basically, they're the disturbers of the civic peace," the Democrat said in a wide-ranging Associated Press interview Thursday. "We now have social peace in Massachusetts. They're the ones who want to stir it up ... This is a non-issue in Massachusetts."

Um, yeah. A "non-issue" that was not enacted legislatively but rather imposed by the Massachusetts Supreme Court by a one-vote margin. A "non-issue" that ignited a lavender insurrection across the country as copycats engaged in open and brazen lawlessness to spread the contagion of sodomarriage as far as possible. A "non-issue" that so overreached it provoked a backlash that last November alone resulted in sodomarriage being formally banned in eleven states.

And a "non-issue" that is quite obviously a big deal in the Bay State itself:

The Massachusetts Family Institute said the 124,000 certified signatures it gathered for the petition, nearly double the number required, was a sign of strong public support for outlawing same-sex marriage.

"All they want is an opportunity to vote on the definition of marriage," said the group's president, Kris Mineau. "Now that the people have spoken, the good congressman has decided this is a divisive issue."

Naturally - that's what libs always say when they're playing defense. A concern notably absent from their rhetoric on, say, foreign policy, national security, and the GWOT these days.

Never let it be said, though, that Congressman Frank doesn't know how to deliver a punchline:

"I have a new rule for politicians: try to avoid saying something that no one will believe."

Do you want to say, "another unmarried marriage counselor" or should I?