Monday, December 26, 2005

What A Surprise

Hey, prepare yourself for a shock. Just read this at Blogs for Bush:

You might have seen the story about University of Massachusetts student who claims Department of Homeland Security agents interrogated him over the checking out of Mao's Little Red Book from the even made it into Ted Kennedy's hit piece on President Bush the other day regarding the NSA program. This was held up by the left as what is going on in George Bush's Amerika...the horrendous repression of any sort of political dissent...we were supposed to be shaking in our boots, waiting for the Neo-Con Gestapo to knock down our door in the middle of the night...

Well, guess what? Yep - you guessed it: the story was made up. A lie, you know? Nothing new, of course - everything the left has thrown at us these past five years has been a lie.

Jonathan over at GOP Bloggers has the details.

Isn't THAT a big surprise? They haven't been able to come up with an example of ANYONE being wrongly accused or interrogated as a result of Bush's NSA decisions, so they had to make one up. Anyone have any doubt whatsoever that this college kid was being used by a liberal professor or Dem operative? His statement that he's 'glad it's over' is a pretty good indicator.

I wonder if there is anyone left in the Democratic Party who is able to have a truthful, civil exchange of ideas regarding President Bush and/or the War on Terror. Other than Joe Lieberman or Zell Miller, I can't think of anyone.