Thursday, January 05, 2006

Don't Trust The Democrats!

Ann Coulter once again reminds us why Democrats can't be trusted with our national security. In her latest column, she writes:

It seems the Bush Administration - being a group of sane, informed adults - has been secretly tapping Arab terrorists without warrants.

During the CIA raids in Afghanistan in early 2002 that captured Abu Zubaydah and his associates, the government seized computers, cell phones and personal phone books. Soon after the raids, the National Security Agency began trying to listen to calls placed to the phone numbers found in al Qaeda Rolodexes.

That was true even if you were "an American citizen" making the call from U.S. territory - like convicted al Qaeda associate Iyman Faris who, after being arrested, confessed to plotting to bring down the Brooklyn Bridge.

If you think the government should not be spying on people like Faris, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

She's right, and it seems that most of the American people agree. We're GLAD the President understands the danger we're in and is willing to do what it takes to protect this country. Think the Democrats would do the same? Think again.

The Democratic Party has decided to express indignation at the idea that an American citizen who happens to be a member of al Qaeda is not allowed to have a private conversation with Osama bin Laden. If they run on that in 2008, it could be the first time in history a Republican president takes even the District of Columbia.

On this one, I'm pretty sure Americans are going with the President.

If the Democrats had any brains, they'd distance themselves from the cranks demanding Bush's impeachment for listening in on terrorists' phone calls to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. (Then again, if they had any brains, they'd be Republicans.)

To the contrary! It is Democrats like Senator Barbara Boxer who are leading the charge to have Bush impeached for spying on people with Osama's cell phone number.

Yes, we can always count on Boxer to lead the way, can't we? The Democrats want to impeach the President for doing his constitutional duty. Not that they understand the meaning of the word "duty." Of course, as we have said again and again, this has nothing to do with civil liberties or terrorism. It has to do with the Democrats' psychotic hatred of Bush. Period.

Thanks to the Treason Times' exposure of this highly classified government program, admitted terrorists like Iyman Faris are going to be appealing their convictions. Perhaps they can call Democratic senators as expert witnesses to testify that it was illegal for the Bush Administration to eavesdrop on their completely private calls to al-Zarqawi.

And thanks to the likes of Barbara Boxer and Harry Reid, the terrorists can breathe a little easier, knowing that they have useful idiots in the Democratic Party whom they can count on to make it harder for Bush to do his job. Imagine, just IMAGINE these people in charge of our foreign policy. We can't let that happen.

JAS adds: Here's more on Reid's shenanigans:

[B]efore the Christmas recess, he claimed he wasn't playing politics with the renewal of the USA PATRIOT Act. Yet sources tell us that Reid aides and other members of the Democratic leadership staff who were coordinating with sympathetic media and third party operatives, threatened the New York Times with going public about the NSA anti-terrorism prevention program themselves if the Times did not run the story they had been sitting on for almost a year before the Act's renewal debate was over. Reid said he had little to do with the threatened filibuster of the Act's renewal.

Now, we have Reid calling for the resignation of Department of Homeland Security chief, Michael Chertoff. Why? Because Chertoff authorized the removal of Las Vegas from a priority list of cities at risk for terrorism. "Anyone who can't see that Las Vegas is a high-risk area doesn't deserve to serve in a position like that," Reid told his local papers. Reid didn't care enough about the lives of his constituents to reauthorize some of the most critical anti-terrorism tools our intelligence and law enforcement people use. Yet he'll call for Chertoff's head.
"Politically unethical" doesn't begin to describe him and his misbegotton party.