Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Liberal Tantrum

The petulant children over at Daily Kos and some other liberal web sites have engaged in a smear campaign at Amazon.com regarding Kate O'Beirne's bestseller Women Who Make The World Worse and now Fred Barnes' new book, Rebel in Chief. Unable to debate ideas or engage in any meaningful dialogue, they are encouraging each other to give one star reviews and write putrid reviews of the books...without, of course, ever having read them. Good coverage in the Corner regarding this stupidity.

I know what I'm gonna do. I'm going to buy another copy of both books, and I would encourage anyone else who is able to do so to do it. They make great gifts.

JASmius adds: Don't forget the hacking that produced the "revised" cover of Rebel entitled Felon In Chief with the President in handcuffs. I'm sure they pissed themselves giggling at that one.

I don't consider that sort of electronic vandalism to be "stupidity"; I call it intellectual violence. It's substantively no different from throwing rocks through bookstore windows, seizing all the conservative books, throwing them in a pile, and burning them.

Cap'n Ed calls these left-wing graffiti-ists "ill-educated, ill-mannered children." Maybe some of them are, but as my deliberately chosen metaphor ought to get across, the remainder are something, in my opinion, a lot more sinister.