Sunday, January 22, 2006

The Wisdom of Karl The Great

This is representative of the mentality of the Democrat Party on national security:

Former President Jimmy Carter expressed optimism Friday over Hamas' participation in next week's Palestinian parliamentary elections, saying that while the group may be terrorists, at least they're not corrupt.

Interviewed Friday, Carter said that although Hamas were "so-called terrorists," so far "there have been no complaints of corruption against [their] elected officials."

In quotes reported by the Jerusalem Post, Carter did concede that "there is an element within Hamas who deny Israel's right to exist."

Citing his own negotiations with Palestinian Liberation Organization chief Yassir Arafat, however, Carter said sometimes you have to learn to work with terrorists.
This is representative of the attitude of the Democrat Party base:

"I'd like to make it clear to the people who run the Democratic Party that I will not support Hillary Clinton for president.”

With that pronouncement, liberal syndicated columnist Molly Ivins begins a blistering column that castigates Hillary and the Democratic Party for failing to take a strong stand on a variety of issues important to liberals like her....

"Enough triangulation, calculation and equivocation. Enough clever straddling, enough not offending anyone,” Ivins writes in her column on

Ivins says the majority of Americans believe the war in Iraq is a mistake and the U.S. should get out, and a majority are also in favor of raising the minimum wage, repealing President Bush’s tax cuts, imposing a windfall profits tax on big oil companies and reducing the deficit not by cutting domestic spending, but by reducing Pentagon spending or raising taxes.

"That is the center, you fools,” Ivins tells Hillary and the Democrats. "WHO ARE YOU AFRAID OF?”

And this is the GOP strategy that Karl Rove has come up with for 2006 (h/t CQ):

White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove offered a biting preview of the 2006 midterm elections yesterday, drawing sharp distinctions with the Democrats over the campaign against terrorism, tax cuts and judicial philosophy, and describing the opposition party as backward-looking and bereft of ideas.

"At the core, we are dealing with two parties that have fundamentally different views on national security," Rove said. "Republicans have a post-9/11 worldview and many Democrats have a pre-9/11 worldview. That doesn't make them unpatriotic - not at all. But it does make them wrong - deeply and profoundly and consistently wrong."...

Actually, it does make them unpatriotic. You can only be wrong on something this important and this obvious so many times before you forfeit the right to any benefit of the doubt. And I think that, based upon poll results like these, this is becoming the consensus view of the American people. Which is why the Republicans don't have to go out of their way to overtly say it. The Democrats are doing it for them.

Are there still "experts" who are predicting Donk gains next November? I'd wager their sports counterparts were on the Carolina Panther bandwagon this week....

UPDATE 1/23: If you think I'm exaggerating in the slightest, just get a load of this quote from Paul Hackett, one of Senator Mike DeWine's Donk challengers in Ohio:

The Republican Party has been hijacked by the religious fanatics that, in my opinion, aren’t a whole lot different than Osama bin Laden and a lot of the other religious nuts around the world.

Hackett was even given the chance to laugh off his slur as a "joke" or a "misquote." He didn't take it:

"I said it. I meant it. I stand behind it. Equal justice under the law for all regardless of who they are and how they were born is fundamental to our American spirit and our American freedoms. Any person or group that argues that the law should not apply equally to all Americans is, frankly, un-American.”

So according to a Democrat senatorial candidate, if you don't support the homosexual drive to eviscerate the institution of marriage, you're unpatriotic.

I have been including DeWine in the "vulnerable" category next fall. If Hackett wins the Dem primary - and this is just the kind of insanely extremist rhetoric the Donk base is demanding to hear from its candidates - the McCain mutineer can stamp his ticket for another six years in Washington, D.C.

[HT: B4B]

FURTHER UPDATE: The best retort the Dems can come up with is Dr. Demented whining that Karl Rove should be fired over Plamegate? Man, it's like the true Skulker underneath that huge battle suit.

Oh, yes, and Howie called Rove "unpatriotic," too.

I think overconfidence should be the GOP's primary concern this year. The Democrats themselves are barely in the equation.

STILL ANOTHER UPDATE: Really, I could go on indefinitely with this stuff, but this is just too choice.

-Harry Belefonte, the newly minted Democrat Party ideologist, insists that the same Department of Homeland Security that people like him were castigating as supposedly "incompetent" in responding to Hurricane Katrina is a super-efficient "Gestapo."

-Senator John Finger Kerry went on ABC's This Week yesterday and claimed that the reason al Qaeda hasn't attacked us again here since 9/11 is because they're kicking our asses all over Iraq.

-Cindy Sheehan - remember her? - has discovered an original gambit for extending her fifteen minutes of infamy: teaming up with Castroite dictator Hugo Chavez to commit overseas sedition at the 6th World Social Forum in Caracas, Venezuela.

Maybe "Bush Derangement Syndrome" should be renamed "Rove Derangement Syndrome." If the above is any indication, the DisLoyal Opposition's partisan psyche is still Pavlovian where Karl The Great is concerned.