Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Show Trial

Jonah Goldberg has a good column up about the current Judiciary Committee hearings. He's right, the Democrats have usurped what is supposed to be questioning regarding a judge's fitness for the Supreme Court and turned it into a political circus.

Here's just one of the dozens of deceitful low blows aimed at Samuel Alito. In his opening statement Monday, Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., said Alito "has not written one single opinion on the merits in favor of a person of color alleging race discrimination on the job" among the thousands of cases that came before him. Any reasonable person hearing that would assume Kennedy was calling Alito at minimum "insensitive" or, more likely, a racist. But Kennedy was lying — albeit in a very lawyerly way.

That's just one example of many. Schumer lied about his record, as did Biden and Leahey. It's reprehensible what these mental midgets are trying to do. Jonah nails it in this paragraph:

In a sense, the no-holds-barred approach is entirely justified because we've invested judges with so much power. And with the stakes so high, politics alone determines who sits on the bench. Having lost at the polls, liberals are desperate to keep the courts on their side. This is why they are touting Sandra Day O'Connor as Babylonian King Hammurabi reincarnated, though her rulings were widely recognized as intellectually incoherent and inconsistent. Who cares about that, so long as you come out "right" on abortion and affirmative action?

Exactly as Rush says...they can't win at the polls, so the courts are their last holdout. That is the reason for the hysteria and downright dishonesty on the Dem side. Fortunately for us, Samuel Alito is head and shoulders above the Democrats on the Judiciary Committee when it comes to intellect and knowledge of the law. He is making it plain that they are no match for him. Hopefully at some time in the near future, duty and civility will return to this process. The Dems are going to have to have quite a change of heart for that to happen, though.

JAS adds: The RCP guys, who were flat predicting a Dem filibuster of Judge Alito's SCOTUS nomination just a few days ago, are starting to come around to my view of that prospect - to wit, that it is less likely than the Dems want us to believe.

It would certainly explain why the White House is so happy with the proceedings thus far - and why the Donk base is so frustrated, and even resigned.