Friday, January 13, 2006

Too Busy

Apparently, most of the Dems on the Judiciary Committee couldn't be bothered with showing respect to the many judges who testified yesterday afternoon on behalf of Samuel Alito. They couldn't be bothered because they don't care about the facts about Alito, their bloviating and pontificating notwithstanding. They knew how they were going to vote before the hearings ever began. If there ever was a case of not doing the job they are paid to do, this is it. Over at Powerline, John Hinderaker writes:

Judge Alito's colleagues on the Third Circuit have been testifying this afternoon. You can get a sense of the high esteem in which they hold him by checking out NRO's Bench Memos.

One of the witnesses is Judge Timothy Lewis, an African-American, "pro-choice" judge appointed by President Clinton. Judge Lewis testified about Judge Alito's “intellectual honesty,” stating “I cannot recall one instance when Judge Alito displayed anything remotely approaching an ideological bent.” Senator Coburn asked Judge Lewis and his colleague Judge Marianne Trump Barry (also a Clinton appointee) if they had ever seen anything that would lead them to believe Alito would be hostile to the rights of women or minorities. Both testified that they would not even be in this hearing room if they had.

Wouldn't you think that after witnessing the "concern" the Democrat twits on the committee pretended to have about Alito's judicial views, that they'd be interested and hearing what his colleagues have to say about him? Well...

To her credit, Senator Feinstein stayed in the hearing room to hear and question these witnesses. However, she apparently was the only Democratic Senator to do so.

JOHN adds: This is truly extraordinary. Extraordinary that Judge Alito's colleagues have turned out to defend him against the Democrats' smears; extraordinary that the Democrats themselves couldn't be bothered to stick around to hear what this distinguished group of judges had to say. After all, if the Democrats were actually interested in what kind of judge Sam Alito is, these are precisely the witnesses who could tell them. If the Democrats really thought that Alito's judicial opinions reflect poorly on him, these are exactly the people who could answer their questions, and, if they are correct, confirm their fears. But the Democrats apparently knew that wasn't going to happen. The only conclusion one can draw is that the Democrats knew they were smearing a fine man and a fine judge. But the fact that they didn't even have the decency or respect to stay and listen to Alito's colleagues is disgusting.

Michelle Malkin has more:

This is U.S. Appeals Court Judge Maryanne Trump Barry, [picture is provided at Malkin's site] a Clinton appointee who gave a glowing endorsement of her colleague, Sam Alito, earlier today, along with six other judges from the appeals court who appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee to support Alito. Chuck Schumer walked out before the judges started to speak. Teddy Kennedy showed up late, stayed for 10 minutes, then left. Pat Leahy put on a dour face for a short time, and also bailed. Dianne Feinstein, to her credit, remained for the duration and asked respectful questions.

Indeed, if Judge Barry were a screeching liberal moaning about Alito's threat to the female populace, the Dems would have been all ears--and Judge Barry would have been all over the evening news tonight.

Does anybody doubt that? Democrats are truly disgusting creatures, for the most part. I'm beginning to wonder about the people of Massachusetts. How on earth they can keep saddling the country with the despicable likes of Ted Kennedy and John Kerry is beyond me.