Monday, February 06, 2006

A Loathsome & Nihilist Party

The people principally responsible for "breaking the military" have accused George W. Bush of breaking the military.

Their old boss is the toast of Tehran.

The Hollywood Left thinks that Zell Miller is "chickenshit" and that he has assimilated half the Senate Democrat caucus.

Left-wing extremism couldn't stop Justice Alito's nomination like it did Robert Bork's twenty years ago and it is driving more and more "mainstream" Democrats to the margins of the party, and even out of it altogether.

The Democrat platform appears to have decayed down to, "We don't know where to stand or what to stand for, and in fact we're not good at standing for anything anyway, but at least we know we can't stand Republicans."

Several members of their congressional contingent played a ludicrously puerile and fratricidal game of musical chairs at last week's State of the Union Address.

Tony Blankely took a look at this mess and pronounced the DisLoyal Opposition thusly:

Somehow the Democratic Party - for 180 years the most electorally successful political party on the planet - has now almost completely mutated into a party too loathsome to be seen in public, and too nihilistic to be trusted with control of even a single branch of government.

Nevertheless, the Democrats are going to gain seats next November....