Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Simply Amazing

The crackpot over in Iran is enriching uranium. There is Muslim rioting going on all over the world. We have brave men and women risking their lives for us over in Iraq and elsewhere in the world. A former Vice President tries to whip more Muslims into a frenzy against America. And the media is focused on...a weekend hunting accident involving the Vice President. Thank God the person shot is going to be okay...much to the media's chagrin. I think they would have loved to see the poor man die so they could REALLY make a scandal out of it.

These people are beyond biased, beyond skewed, beyond unethical. They are psychotic in their hatred of this administration. They certainly are parading it for all to see, you have to admit that. And Dana Milbank's and Paul Begala's clown uniforms...? What is up with THAT?

The Democrats and the media are certainly speaking with one voice, I don't see how anyone can plausibly deny that. And, as Jim mentioned below, Hillary Clinton being "troubled" about the "secrecy" in this administration is enough to make one choke. What chutzpah!