Raza-ist de los Americanos?
After reading this, you won't need any caffeine this morning:
That's rich coming, at least in part, from reconquistadors who run around bellowing "Aribe la raza!!!" on a regular basis. It reminds me of Hawaii's rejected state motto: "Haka tiki mou sha'ami leeki toru"(Death to mainland scum, but leave your money). Except that in this case it's more like, "You're all racists but give us all your money AND your country." Indeed, playing the race card should be designated a corollary to Godwin's Law as an indication that its player has already lost the illegal immigration debate.
Maybe Mexicans should take a look at their own government's immigration policy, which is enormously more restrictive than is ours. I'd call it racist except that, well, nobody really wants to immigrate TO Mexico anyway. Perhaps there's a reason for that, too.
Hillary Clinton, BTW, who has lost many a debate but most definitely wants to win the next presidential election, has once again gotten to the GOP's right by coming out in favor of a border wall. I guess that means the reconquistadors will finally have a "racist" president they can like. After she, you know, changes her mind the morning after the election.
Hey, some traditions are eternal.
A new poll on Mexican attitudes towards the U.S. debate on illegal immigration has found that a large plurality of those surveyed say Americans who favor tighter border security are "racist."
The survey, co-sponsored by the Dallas Morning News and Mexico's El Universal newspaper, found that the largest segment of respondents - 43% - cited racism as the chief reason that Americans oppose illegal immigration.
A much smaller number - 16% - said U.S. citizens are most concerned about law enforcement. Just 14% think Americans are not racist, but fear being overrun by foreign cultures.
That's rich coming, at least in part, from reconquistadors who run around bellowing "Aribe la raza!!!" on a regular basis. It reminds me of Hawaii's rejected state motto: "Haka tiki mou sha'ami leeki toru"(Death to mainland scum, but leave your money). Except that in this case it's more like, "You're all racists but give us all your money AND your country." Indeed, playing the race card should be designated a corollary to Godwin's Law as an indication that its player has already lost the illegal immigration debate.
Maybe Mexicans should take a look at their own government's immigration policy, which is enormously more restrictive than is ours. I'd call it racist except that, well, nobody really wants to immigrate TO Mexico anyway. Perhaps there's a reason for that, too.
Hillary Clinton, BTW, who has lost many a debate but most definitely wants to win the next presidential election, has once again gotten to the GOP's right by coming out in favor of a border wall. I guess that means the reconquistadors will finally have a "racist" president they can like. After she, you know, changes her mind the morning after the election.
Hey, some traditions are eternal.
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