Sunday, June 04, 2006

Are You Gullible?

Gotta love that hook.

Here's a thought-provoking flyer from Media Spotlight Ministries. Enjoy!

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Do not be fooled into thinking that the ideas conveyed in The Da Vinci Code are anything more than mere myths propagated by those with an agenda to convince you of their beliefs.

As with virtually every "historical" claim they make against Jesus and the Bible, there is no evidence that Jesus and Mary Magdalene ever married and had children. Nor did Constantine impose the four Gospels into the Bible at the expense of Gnostic texts. The four Gospels were accepted by the early followers of Jesus long before Constantine and Catholicism came on the scene. They are eyewitness accounts about Jesus, the first written around AD 37, just a few years after He walked Earth. In contrast, the Gnostic "gospels" were written by anonymous people over one hundred years later, with the intent to deify man and render Jesus nothing more than one of their prophets.

The Gnostic "gospels" do not possess the prophetic nature of the Bible. Against literally impossible odds, Jesus alone fulfilled over three hundred prophecies, the vast majority of which could not have been orchestrated. The time of His appearance, His crucifixtion, and many other intricate details of His life were prophesied thousands of years earlier in the ancient Hebrew texts. Israel's Messiah did indeed come when prophesied, and will come again. The Gospel of John calls Him "the Word of God" Who created all things and became a man in order to reveal His Father to us, and to pay the penalty for our sins. Will you believe these tesimonies that have stood the test of thousands of years? Or will you believe the flash-bang eye candy of The Da Vinci Code?

People tend to believe what they want to believe. We probably won't convince you with these few words that The Da Vinci Code is a deception. Perhaps you dont even care, or you're just plain gullible. But if you are honest in your quest for truth, you owe it to yourself to at least study the four Gospels in the Bible. Otherwise you may find yourself on the outside looking in, always learning, but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.