Sunday, June 25, 2006

To The NYT From A Soldier In Iraq

Over at Hugh Hewett's blog, he has received permission to reprint a letter to the editor of the New York Times from Sgt. T.F. Boggs. One poignant excerpt:

Thank you for continually contributing to the deaths of my fellow soldiers. You guys definitely provide a valuable service with your paper. Why without you how would terrorists stay one step ahead of us?

Read it, and then send one yourself. The NYT has to be taken to task for this. I hope they lose a multitude of subscribers. I doubt that Mr. Keller will be moved by our letters as he has already proven his distaste for America and those who love it...but if his bottom line is affected, he might just sit up and take notice.

JASmius adds: I doubt it. Go through Hugh's posts on the L.A. Times and their cratering circulation and advertising revenue. Hasn't changed their editorial bias or the flagrant (to everybody else) way it bleeds into their reporting. And look at the scandals the NYT has sustained over the past few year, from Jayson Blair forward - sheesh, now they give each other Pulitzers for this kind of thing. A letter like Sergeant Boggs' is probably framed and put on Keller's office wall as a moral trophy to the righteousness of his cause.

The Extreme Media has no shame because their values, like the enemy's, are utterly alien to ours and utterly irreconcilable to them. All we can do is not watch their newscasts and not subscribe to their publications - and extend the same (metaphorical) middle fingers to them that they do to us on a daily basis.