Friday, July 07, 2006

Another Example

...of the Left's bottomless care and compassion. Brit Hume had this on the Grapevine:

Ken Lay's death by heart attack "wasn't good enough" for the former Enron CEO who cheated employees and stockholders out of millions — according to Washington Post writer Henry Allen — who says he feels "cheated" that Lay evaded torture in prison.

On the front page of the style section, Allen complains that "none of [Lay's] victims will be able to contemplate ... that he might be spending long nights locked in a cell with a panting tattooed monster," or "gibbering with anguish as fire-eyed psychopaths stare at him for unblinking hours while they sharpen spoons into jailhouse stilettos."

He adds that Lay's death has left his victims with a "frustrated craving for revenge."

Wow. Must be awful to live with so much hate inside you.

JASmius adds: To say nothing of such ignorance of the correctional system. Lay, even for the magnitude of his malfeasances, was not a violent criminal, and would not have ended up incarcerated with "monsters" or "psychopaths." He'd have spent a loooooong time behind bars, but it wouldn't have been at the equivalent of Alcatraz (if we even have such equivalents anymore). More like a "Club Fed."

Is it possible to get "frustrated craving for revenge" on a Hallmark card? Even in one of those in-store, do-it-yourself little kiosks? Even if Lay didn't leave a forwarding address?