Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Despicable, Loathsome, Foul

And those are the NICE things I have to say about Jesse Jackson. Is there a slimier being on the planet?? Now he's out to shake down BP:

"The Revrund" Jesse Jackson brought his protest of BP PLC to the site of one of the state's worst refinery accidents Tuesday to speak against what he calls price gouging, discriminatory hiring practices and unsafe working conditions at the company.

He led about 100 spirited followers on a march in front of BP's Texas City refinery, where 15 workers were killed and more than 170 were injured in an explosion last year.

"We are going to engage in direct action against BP to change their behavior," Jackson said. "They need to stop energy exploitation, stop manipulating prices and undercutting the American people."

No, Jesse, you are not there to help are there to get your ugly mug on TV and hopefully extort some money for yourself out of BP. Who knows? Maybe he has a few more love children to support.

Jackson said all Americans should be concerned about energy issues.

Thanks, Jesse, but I'll decide what I'm concerned about.

"If you're white, black or brown, we are all victims of the energy monopolization, price gouging and greed," he said. "The American public has been too silent. We must fight back to drive down the price of gas."

Though his primary target is BP, he also wants to send a message to the government that they should step in to limit gas prices.

Continuing with his tirade of ignorance, he demonstrates above his complete lack of basic economic principles like supply and demand. Geez, this man is sickening.

It really does floor me that so many people still believe in him.