Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Enemy Media At It Again

Over at Rush Limbaugh's site, he has a montage of what the talking heads are saying about Hezbollah and its murderous leaders. Why, they have their good side too, you know! Here's how Rush starts it out:

There's also an effort underway to humanize Hezbollah, which is not surprising. (Laughing) Bush is the real enemy. You know, if it weren't so serious, it would be comical. The Drive-By Media, let's go to audio sound bite number one, the Drive-By Media doing everything to humanize Hezbollah. They run social welfare programs in Lebanon, midnight basketball plans for the poor, and they're socially active. It sort of reminds me of when Senator Patty Murray from Washington, after 9/11, talked about Osama bin Laden and about the reason he had so much support from people was he built them roads and he built them schools and stuff. People were pulling their hair out. We have a little montage from John King at CNN, Andrea Mitchell, NBC News, Washington, and Miles O'Brien from CNN, and Yaroslav Trofimov, wherever he's from, or her, describing the greatness and the kindnesses engaged in by Hezbollah.

Go on and read the comments from these people. It really is sickening.

JASmius updates: And pathetic. This newscycle's meme the Katrina template - the Bush Administration is, alternately, incompetent for taking too long to evacuate American nationals from Lebanon, or is not taking too long because all of these evacuees are white.

Do these people know that George W. Bush can't run again? Or is the idea to so intimidate any other Republican from even running in 2008 that Hillary will be unopposed?

It's like watching a sad drunk on yet another binge. Only in this case al Donka would be in detox for years.