Tuesday, July 04, 2006

More Live Births "Dismaying"

Yep, you read that right. The spokesperson for the Michigan chapter of Planned Parenthood is upset that fewer girls are getting abortions. Here's what she said:

At 25,209, the total of abortions performed in Michigan last year was the lowest since detailed record-keeping began. The abortion rate -- abortions per 1,000 women -- also dropped last year, from 22.0 in 1987 to 11.9 for women ages 15-44.

Diane Killian, spokesperson for the Michigan chapter of Planned Parenthood said she found the trend "dismaying." "Restrictions have created a climate of fear and intimidation," said Killian. "Forcing a teenage girl to obtain parental consent is barbaric. Making doctors comply with 'informed consent' exposes these young women to gruesome details that may scar them for life. The resulting decline in the exercise of a woman's freedom can only be seen as, at best, dismaying.

"Killian says she is not optimistic about reversing the trend. "The radical right has got this country by the short hairs," said Killian. "A day may come when there are no more legal abortions. It's frightening."

Wow, 25,209 dead babies isn't nearly enough for this sicko. Parental consent is "barbaric?" Okay...so the "gruesome details" of what they are about to do may scar them for life, so this lunatic thinks they should be kept completely in the dark about what they are actually doing to their baby, right?

How do people get this screwed up??