Saturday, August 26, 2006

This 'n That

Tried to post a few times yesterday, but Blogger wouldn't let me. I still don't trust it, so I'll just do a drive-by post. To wit:

Global warming is the most flexible theory I've ever seen. Now it's causing glaciers to GROW.

Ray Nagin is an idiot.

Far Left Democrats like this jerk from San Francisco are pathetic. And this one.

Juan Williams, believe it or not, has written what sounds to be a great book regarding, among other things, the current black "leadership" and their efforts to keep black America "in line" and right where they want them. Walter Williams interviewed him on Rush's show yesterday, and he was right on the money. No doubt he will be derided for telling the truth, as Bill Cosby always is.

Speaking of Rush, read his comments regarding calling the Democrats what they are, unpatriotic.

Finally, the Democrats' War on Wal-Mart seems to be more important to them than the War on Terror. Go figure.

Hopefully, Blogger will cooperate today and we will be able to post. Here's hopin'!