Sunday, September 24, 2006

Clinton Meltdown

Okay, you've seen on every blog stories about Clinton's interview with Chris Wallace. In case you haven't seen it, you can see the video at the Fox News web site. As is to be expected, the left wing blog sites are all atwitter. They think their hero just did a *fine* job, though frankly he made a fool of himself. He whined about the "right wing attack machine," as if Chris Wallace had no right to ask him about his non-pursuit of bin Laden. See, to a liberal, telling the truth about them is "attacking." The sycophants on the Left are fawning about his "standing up" to the "right wing propaganda machine." I did he "stand up" to anything? He offered no substantive answers, he merely invoked Richard Clarke's book as if it were the Bible. He referred to it 11 times, to be exact. Kathryn Jean Lopez over at The Corner described the interview as Bill Clinton's Tom Cruise moment.

Watch the video, and decide for yourself.

JASmius adds: Have you seen this post on Clinton's tantrum? It's a treat, no matter what Ed Morrissey says.

This one, though, is the primer.

All I can add is, "Better late than never."

And, "I bet Hillary's glad this blew up now instead of two years from now."

Why? Hugh Hewitt said it best:

What is astonishing is that in the five years since 9/11, the Democratic Party and the nation's media has become even more feckless about the threat from Islamist terror than Bill Clinton was - and remains.

Electing Hillary Clinton president would - will - close the most vicious of circles.