Monday, September 04, 2006


Al Qaeda in Iraq's number two operative, Hamed Juma Faris al-Suaidi, has been captured, dealing a further blow to the already moribund "insurgency" in Iraq.

I have to ask a question at this juncture for all the lefties who still insist that Iraq is a "disaster," "unwinnable," a "quagmire," etc.: Is it any accident that after "Emir" Zarqawi was finally sent home to Allah in li'l bite-sized pieces back in June, there followed the "sudden" upsurge in "indigenous" sectarian violence that ignited the current Enemy Media "imminent civil war" meme? And, since the Coalition redeployment of troops to Baghdad has brought about a two-thirds decline in said violence in the recently concluded month of August, what, pray tell, will their next seditious, defeatist meme be?

My guess is a campaign accusing Bush of secretly plotting to use Iraq as a base from which to attack Iran.

If only....