Tuesday, September 12, 2006

An Evening At School

It was open house night tonight at both my kids' schools. Simultaneously. Followed by a disappointing episode of ECW on SciFi and a separate no-holds-barred match with my son trying to get him to do the homework he typically wandered off and forgot today but which my wife was helpful enough to retrieve for him and present him with at around 10PM. #1 son doesn't do all-nighters very well. Or even fifteen-minuters.

Plus last week was another closing week and this week is operational review week and there are other things going on besides and I was shorthanded again at work with the phone and doorbell ringing off the hook and hinges respectively. Man, some days I REALLY wish I could earn my living blogging instead.

It'd be sonny boy's ultimate fantasy (besides all the Pokemon-related ones): getting paid to whine.