Thursday, September 14, 2006

Kerry Talks Tough!

This is comical:

Kerry says the only reason he didn’t compete in more states in 2004 was that he ran out of money. He says this was also the reason he did not adequately respond to a series of devastating TV ads by Swift Boat Veterans for the Truth, a group that questioned Kerry’s service in Vietnam and criticized his later opposition to the war.

“They had money behind the lies, and we did not have sufficient money behind the truth,” Kerry laments.

Asked if he dreads the prospect of being “Swift-Boated” all over again, Kerry counters that he would relish such a fight.

“I’m prepared to kick their ass from one end of America to the other,” he declares. “I am so confident of my abilities to address that and to demolish it and to even turn it into a positive.”

Okay, when you're finished laughing, go read the whole article. It's full of stuff like this. The idea of Kerry running out of money, first of all, is laughable. Secondly, wonder why he couldn't "kick their ass" during the 2004 campaign? What stopped him then?