Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I Hope You're Right!

Jim and Rush have a pretty good track record in their predictions, so I'm clinging to their assessment of the fall elections. I really cannot stand the thought of a Speaker Pelosi or Chairman Mao...I mean Conyers. These people do not deserve the positions they have now, much less a promotion. Okay, they deserve them in the sense that they were elected by their constituents, but they lack the honor and character our Founders had in mind when they launched this great experiment and formed our government. Our representatives were to be above reproach. Yes, obviously some Republicans do not pass that test either. But as a whole, I think we do a whole lot better than the Democrats in that department. Generally when someone like Mark Foley is uncovered, they're gone. We don't continue to re-elect them as Gary Studds was or Barney Frank and Ted Kennedy have been. That type of behavior seems to be celebrated on the Democrat side. The Left's attacks on the President and our country for the past 6 years has been scandalous and treasonous, in my opinion.

My prayer is that most people understand that we cannot allow the Democrats to win any more power than they already have. It would be an absolute disaster for this country.

JASmius adds: My prognosticative ability got "pretty good" when I spiked the partisan wishful thinking and stuck to the numbers.

My current figures, adjusted for the GOP-leaning trend that was developing pre-Foley and will, ironically, be reinforced by the Democrats' obsession with political peeping-Tom-ism, show a Republican loss of two Senate seats and eight House seats. Not exactly a robust forecast until placed in the context of media-promoted galloping Democrat triumphalism that has implicitly cast anything less than a mirror reversal of 1994, much less simply regaining the majority in either branch of Congress, as a catastrophic defeat.

Just wait until after Election Day, though. Overnight the meager Dem gains will be trumpeted as a landslide repudiation of President Bush and the GOP, who will be expected to cede majority power to the losers in everything but name.

I'd ask, even rhetorically, when the Democrats will ever learn from their chronic, serial mistakes. But before one can learn, one must first realize and admit that one IS making mistakes - and obnoxious, repugnant infallability is the sacrament of the 21st century liberal creed.

One can make the argument that the current political landscape - just slightly tilting to the right - has been the incubator of the Left's plummet into extremist insanity, because it keeps costing them elections, but never by a big enough margin to convince them that a fundamental reassessment and change of ways is necessary. As off-the-cliff as that party is now, it would take an ass-kicking of Nixon-McGovern or LBJ-Goldwater proportions to break the fever swamp's white-knuckled, iron-fisted grip.

No such whupping is in the electoral forecast, I'm afraid, either now or in 2008. Instead, a Clinton succession will likely keep this mental illness raging as hotly as ever, only in the form of insufferable hauteur.

But I wouldn't mind sacrificing that vaunted track record in this instance.

UPDATE: Dean Barnett is getting frisky again. Double-H, of course, never gets down in the dumps in the first place.

UPDATE II: Humor is a great vehicle for devastating truth.