Saturday, December 30, 2006

Saddam Hussein, B.I.H.

Woke up to some good news this morning:

Clutching a Quran and refusing a hood, Saddam Hussein went to the gallows before sunrise Saturday, executed by vengeful countrymen after a quarter-century of remorseless brutality that killed countless thousands and led Iraq into disastrous wars against the United States and Iran.

I think it's safe to say that he now realizes that the 72 virgins thing is a myth, just like everything in the Quran he was clutching.

Witnesses to the execution told Richard Engel of NBC News that they were cheering around the body of Saddam after the hanging — three years after the deposed president was hauled from a hole in the ground by pursuing U.S. forces.

Apparently about the only ones mourning Hussein are the leftist moonbats in our country. Check out this demented thread over at DailyKos, but take some Pepto-Bismol first. There are the usual stupid remarks about how Bush is worse than Hussein was, how he should be hanged next to Hussein, how he is a war criminal, the same inane blather we have been treated to since Bush decided to confront rather than retreat from the terrorists responsible for 9-11 and the other attacks Clinton ignored. These are the nuts who have the Democrats' ear in Congress, never forget that.

Think this would have happened if Gore had won in 2000? Nope. I have no doubt Hussein's rape and torture rooms would be in full swing, the terrorist training facilities would be busy, and Gore would still be trying to sweet talk him, or get the United Nations to do something about him. Think it's a mess over there now? Say what you will about Bush's governance, he has done a lot of things right. Iraq is no longer a threat to us or its neighbors.

Now if he would just bomb the crap out of Iran, I'd be really happy.

JASmius adds: The New York Times is joined in its mourning by a whole host of jihadi-symp would-be Saddamite poll-bearers.

Just a hunch, but if anybody wanted to rehabilitate Adolph Hitler's historical reputation, I suspect all they'd have to do is have President Bush make a speech condemning him. Pavlovian Bushophobes would be swarming to the pro-fuehrer barricades in droves.