Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Glass Houses

OMG. This woman has no shame. From Newsmax:

Senator Hillary Clinton has launched an Internet campaign calling on supporters to sign a petition demanding that Attorney General Alberto Gonzales resign his post.

In an e-mail sent Wednesday morning to those on her campaign e-mail list – which bears the subject line "A widening scandal” – Clinton states: "Today I called on Attorney General Alberto Gonzales to resign. Join me in calling for him to step down.”

Does the obvious even need to be stated?? Her husband fired 'em ALL as soon as he took office. This is one of those things you read and just start spluttering and spitting all over yourself. GEEZ. And why, WHY is Gonzalez apologizing and Bush admitting "mistakes?" Those attorneys have their jobs at the President's pleasure, he has every right to fire them if he sees fit.

Y'know, I think Jim Sondergeld, our fearless leader here, is brilliant but he gets a little more negative than I do. In cases like this, though, I understand where he's coming from. Gonzales should have said, "Hey, this Administration is well within its rights to do what we feel needs to be done in this case. Up yours." Or something to that effect. But no, they get defensive and try to appease the kooks on the Left, which you'd think they'd know by now cannot be done.

Dang, this is frustrating.

JASmius adds: This is the "New Tone" at work, Jen. It isn't so much that the Bushies are defensive as that they are simply too nice. They're trying to get along with the Democrats, to be "reasonable" and "bipartisan," and the Donks are trying to castrate them.

If you want partisan battlers, you'll have to join the Democrats, because in the Republican Party it'll never, EVER happen. Not after last November, and not in the lame duck, playing-out-the-string final two years of the Bush presidency. That's why I maintain that the pendulum is swinging the other way and will stay on the wrong side for the foreseeable future. It saves me a lot of excess hypertension to see the handwriting on the wall and lower my expectations.

BTW, Dubya and Speedy have thrown the Donks a scalp. And shazam! It isn't enough, and the DisLoyalists' appetites are now whetted for more. A LOT more. And all over something that NOBODY is calling "illegal" or even "improper," but rather "political" - and even THAT isn't true, as only half of the eight US attorneys who were axed were Clinton holdovers.

If you want to be crying in frustration, think ahead a couple of years to when Hillary is in the Oval Office and has fired the whole rafter of US attrorneys just like her hubby did in preparation for the revival of La Clinton Nostra, and the Enemy Media celebrate it as a "breath of fresh air for civil liberties and progressivism" or some such rotgut.

I'd rather chuckle cynically, myself. You'll live longer, even if those of us on the center-right won't be enjoying it very much.

UPDATE: Here, according to the Wall Street Journal, is what the Dragon considers an unpardonable sin worthy of Speedy Gonzales' professional guillotining:

The supposed scandal this week is that Mr. Bush had been informed last fall that some U.S. Attorneys (i.e. Clinton holdovers) had been less than vigorous in pursuing voter-fraud cases and that the President had made the point to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. Voter fraud strikes at the heart of democratic institutions, and it was entirely appropriate for Mr. Bush - or any President - to insist that his appointees act energetically against it. [emphasis added]

Given that Dubya nearly had the 2000 election stolen from him, and that the Dems tried even harder to rob him in 2004, I can't say that I blame the President for wanting the Justice Department to crack down on vote fraud, and expecting the foot-draggers amongst the U.S. attorney corps to get with the program or get out. And given that the Democrats haven't won a majority in any presidential election in the past thirty years, it is somewhat less than surprising that their inevitable 2008 nominee would be irate at the Bush White House striking at the heart of the only way Mrs. Clinton can win a one-on-one matchup.

Understand that when I say a Hillary Clinton presidency is inevitable, I'm not speaking of her magentic personality, brilliant and inarguable ideas, or how great her ass looks in her pink pantsuits. I mean that the Clinton machine will make sure that she wins. WHATEVER it takes. That means bribing or goading or manipulating a McCain-Hagel independent ticket. That means duping the GOP nominating electorate into selecting a lib like Giuliani that will split the GOP; or, failing that, chewing up another Bush-like, nice-but-hapless oaf like Mitt Romney like a corpulent wildebeast crossing a pirhanna stream. And it means comprehensive, fifty-state vote fraud on a scale that would make Ukrainian democracy look like the American Founders were reincarnated in Kiev.

Seeking to enforce election laws and restore integrity to our democratic institutions is "political" to Democrats because they can't win national elections within the law. Yet they accuse the Bush Administration of "scandal" in axing a token eight U.S. attorneys (again, only half of them Clintonoids) for not carrying out the President's (i.e. their boss') instructions. And the White House and the Republican congressional remnant are folding like K-Mart deck chairs yet again.

I don't know what else to say that I haven't said already, so I'll let the Great One say it for me:

The fact is this. A lot of you people probably don't think Bush deserves being defended, but that's not the point here. This isn't about defending the Administration anymore. The Democrats are on offense over 2008, and this case, this phony baloney, plastic banana, good time rock 'n' roller phony scandal over the firing of eight US attorneys is ripe for somebody to stand up and point out the hypocrisy. They don't even have to mention Bush. You can just attack the Democrats for what they are doing here.

Republicans had better realize this and wake up, or this is going to be their undoing. If they remain divided like this or timid, if they continue to operate out of fear of the Drive-By Media - the New York Times, the Washington Post, the networks - they're going to end up losing. They're never going to persuade those people. Stand up! Do a press conference! To hell with what the New York Times says. I know it's easy for me to say. Having an audience, getting an audience is different from getting
votes, but, believe me, it would resonate with a lot of people. [emphases added]

I hope the 2008 GOP presidential stable is paying attention. The first one of them (perhaps even McCain) who takes Limbaugh's advice can seize the inside track to the nomination at a stroke.

Which probably guarantees that those crickets will keep right on chirping. But what the heck, a man can dream, can't he?