Monday, March 12, 2007

The Tinfoil Hat Brigade Has A Point

Given that her party is owned lock, stock, & barrel by the turncoat Left, and got elected last November on the express promise to pull the plug on the war, why hasn't Crazy Nancy gotten around to forcing America's defeat?

A few dozen peace activists marched across the Golden Gate Bridge and gathered outside the San Francisco home of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Sunday, demanding that Congress stop funding the war in Iraq.

"San Francisco has been against this war from the very beginning," said Toby Blome, a physical therapist who organized the event. "This is our fifth year of the war, and Nancy needs to wake up and represent San Franciscans."

It's been said of late that the Democrats are "flailing" and "floundering" on making good on their seditious campaign pledges to undermine the troops, hand Iraq over to al Qaeda and Iran, and offer up thousands more American civilians for butchering. That doing so was "more ambitous" and "complicated" than their kook fringe base anticipated, what with the Donk majorities not yet being large enough to prevent the GOP remnant from obstructing any such overt defeatism.

Well, maybe so. Or maybe Crazy Nancy just isn't trying hard enough. That was Miss Blome's conclusion:

Blome, holding a plate of cheese and bread and a glass of wine, was stopped on her way to Pelosi's front door and told the speaker would not see them. Blom and about ten other activists said they plan to camp outside the residence overnight.
Okay, that wasn't a comment. I just couldn't resist the cheese/bread/wine imagery. It's just too deliciously emblematic of how decadent and shallow these losers really are.

The Speakeress, for her part, pandered on in a way guaranteed not to satisfy the Golden Gate vanguard:

"Speaker Pelosi shares the concerns of the protesters about the disastrous war in Iraq. The Speaker has put the House of Representatives on course to chart a new direction for the American people and the war in Iraq," said Pelosi spokesman Drew Hammill, in a statement.

"Led by the Speaker, Democrats have put forward legislation that will measure the Iraqi government's actions by the standards President Bush himself set, conforms deployment of our troops to existing military standards for readiness and provides badly needed help to an overburdened military and veterans' medical system wracked by scandal."

Yeah, Nance, but have you pulled the plug on the war yet? Where are the helicopters lifting off in a panic from the terrorist-overrun Baghdad Green Zone? That's what your supporters want to see, and you're not delivering it to them.

I must say, though, that I can commiserate with Miss Blome. Just look how pathetic my guy has become:

President Bush said Sunday that Iran and Syria need to follow through on pledges to help Iraq, but left the door open to additional contacts between Washington and its chief Mideast foes.

"If they really want to help stabilize Iraq, there are things for them to do, such as cutting off weapons flows and or the flow of suicide bombers into Iraq," Bush said during an appearance here with Colombian President Alvaro Uribe.
Here we have the public acknowledgment on the part of Dubya that Iran and Syria are doing everything they can to DE-stabilize Iraq and defeat us there, and yet not only are we not going to war with them, not only are we negotiating with them on the diametrically opposite (and utterly delusional) premise that they can be "partners in peace" if we'll only talk nice to them, but we're going to be meeting with their representatives again next month in Turkey - and sending Secretary of State Condi Rice to head our diplogation to boot.

I guess I better get together my camping gear and head for the White House gate for an extended expedition. Although I think I'll leave the bread, wine, and cheese at home and lay in a supply of thick, juicy steaks instead.