Friday, March 02, 2007

Left Wing Hypocrisy

Wow. First there's the story about Al Gore's mansion eating up 20 times more energy than the average American household. I have to admit, I laughed out loud when I read that headline over at the Drudge Report a few days ago. Then this morning I read on Brit Hume's Political Grapevine about George Soros and his huge investments in Halliburton, which of course many of his political groups and organizations have just trashed over and over. But the most nauseating of all? John Kerry lecturing Sam Fox at his confirmation hearings about the politics of personal destruction. Kerry couldn't resist digging at Fox because Fox had made a contribution to the Swift Boat Vets. Here is what David Limbaugh wishes Fox had replied:

"Senator Kerry, I wholly reject your premise. While two wrongs don't make a right, I deny, sir, that the Swift Boat Veterans did anything wrong. In fact, Senator, I applaud them for their courageous and patriotic service in boldly publicizing facts about your service that were relevant to your fitness to serve as president and commander in chief. I will note, Senator, that despite endless opportunities, you never answered the group's plausible allegations against you, many of which were substantiated by multiple witnesses. While you later said you should have fought back harder, the obvious truth is that you chose not to fight back because you had no credible answers. Indeed, you refused to produce the one set of documents that could vindicate you if their contents conform to your version of history: your medical records. You have repeatedly broken promises to release them. There is only one possible explanation for that, sir, and it isn't in your favor."

Your supporters speciously attempted to impeach the Swiftee's claims by saying that some of the witnesses weren't in your boat, knowing full well, sir, that they were in other boats in sufficiently close proximity to make them actual eye witnesses to the events they were describing.

Senator, I cannot in good conscience apologize for having contributed to the Swiftees. I am proud of having done so. But for their exposure of your real record, you might well be commander in chief of our armed forces today. I shudder at that thought, not just because of your record of softness on defense, but your pattern of slandering our troops, yesterday and today, and disrespecting their sacrificial service."

Sir, I find your misuse of these hearings to lash out at your political opponents, once again, where they are not present to respond, appalling and cowardly. And while you have the legal right to lecture me about the importance of 'truth in public life,' I find your audacity breathtaking, given your obvious lack of moral authority to do so. "

You, sir, are free to vote against my confirmation. And while I would be honored to serve as ambassador, I will not grovel for the position, nor will I consent to your revised version of history. You are free publicly to exorcise your personal demons, even on the public's time, but I will trust that most of your colleagues will base their vote on matters relevant to my fitness to serve. Thank you."

That would have been *perfect*. Too bad it didn't happen.

JASmius adds: Of course it didn't happen; doesn't fit with the "New Tone," which has now reached the level of turning the other cheek until all the teeth have been knocked out on that side of your face....