Monday, April 09, 2007

The Iraq Money Shot

From this on-the-spot email to Hugh Hewitt:

I hear that this war has lasted longer then WWII, but if you consider the after effects of WWII and the operations that occurred after the fighting in WWII we were engaged in Europe and Japan for another ten years as occupiers and re-builders and then for another thirty years as defenders of the new democracies in both those areas. The cost was untold billions of dollars and thousands of lives. Yet we persevered and with a lot less to lose if we had just left Japan and Germany to their fates without our continued sacrifice.

And just what would we lose now if we just pulled out of Iraq? I could write a book about that, but the short explanation is we lose our prestige in the Middle East and probably in other parts of the world. We lose our entire position in the Middle East. Iran gains the upper hand and becomes the regional power that they cannot be if we are successful in Iraq. But most of all we open ourselves to further terrorist attacks in the US as the terrorists become embolden by their success in Iraq.

Do not be deceived; if we depart leaving Iraq in turmoil or with terrorism intact they will spin that in to a great victory over the "Great Satan" and that will swell their ranks and their war chests and they will come after us in the US. Any plan that puts a time limit on our withdrawal as opposed to placing an end-state condition is a defeat. We will go home in defeat and we will then be fighting the war at home. We cannot afford to lose here. [emphases added]

And when al Qaeda returns to our shores, guess who the Donks and the Enemy Media will blame? Hell, they hung 9/11 around Bush's neck and exculpted the entire eight-year negligent neglect of the Clinton administration. This next time, though, they'll approach the finger-pointing from the left, not the right, and link the new attacks to "Bush's" war in Iraq.

Or, rather, President Hillary will. She's got a muscular knack for oblivious irony. Time will tell if she's also got the ability, even with the Enemy Media's worshipful help, to put over the notion of a nation at peace in the midst of a runaway terror war raging across the once-fruited plain.