Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Pure Hatred

Here is an example of pure, unadulterated hatred and Bush Derangement from the Left. It really is sickening.

JASmius adds: It's mass pathology. The actual man known as George W. Bush, as compared to the fever swamp's cartoon charicature, might as well be a space alien for all the similarity he actually has to this manufactured creature. Never mind that any president, but especially their hero Bill Clinton, would have gone to speak at Virginia Tech. And they'd be singing hosannahs to him about his "compassion" and "caring" and other annoying adjectives beginning with the letter "c".

Now do you understand why last November's election result was a death knell to this country? People like this actually WON; people like this are actually IN POWER and RUNNING THE COUNTRY.

Seung hui-Cho and the KOmmies differ only in degree and body temperature. Otherwise they're siblings under AND over the skin.

UPDATE: Case in point....

Jenny responds: Okay, that made me giggle. :-) THAT is their "articulate" one?