Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Another Edition Of Three-Dot Monte

Sometimes, this is just how my mind works....

***Remember the "EuroShock" of Nicolas Sarkozy's modest but decisive win in the French presidential election just ten short days ago? You can get over it now, because reality has returned.

***Along with their relentless crusade to force America to lose another war and squander intelligence resources on environmentalist hoaxes, the Democrats have picked up right where they left off on trying to deny the country any defense against incoming (take your pick - Russian, Red Chinese, Iranian, North Korean) nuclear missiles.

Some readers may have found it off-putting when I said that voting Democrat last November was a deathwish. Looks like substance is trumping sensibility once again.

***Mrs. Clinton hates gas - and I don't mean like my mother used to make me throw a quarter into a jar and run around the house three times whenever I let one fly.

***An exchange between Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) and George Stephanopoulos the other day:

Stephanopoulos: You've also said that with Social Security everything should be on the table.

Obama: Yes.

Stephanopoulos: Raising the retirement age?

Obama: Everything should be on the table.

Stephanopoulos: Raising payroll taxes?

Obama: Everything should be on the table....

Stephanopoulos: Partial privatization?

Obama: Privatization is not something I would consider.

I can remember when Saturday Night Live used to do skits that sounded like this.

***Traditionally, "supporting the troops" has always been synonymous with "supporting the war effort". True to form, libs have refined the phrase to mean "keeping the troops safe," which means never sending them to war in the first place, or ever again. And, as an added bonus, transmogrifying our men and women in uniform into just another coddled, Donk-controlled, welfare state constituency. Which raises the question of why anybody would ever sign up if the military is to be functionally mothballed. Isn't there already a flagrant redundancy of job-training and benefit-spewing government programs as it is?

***Why on Earth would Hillary! give her hubby his own campaign plane, staff, press corps, and tour as though he were virtually a co-candidate? Everybody already knows he's going to be her shadow co-president just like she was his the first time around; no need to advertise it. Besides, has she forgotten the anti-Midas touch that Mr. Bill has had on every single candidate for which he has stumped? I thought she wanted to win.

***In a pristine case of the message outshining the messenger, John McCain the other day made a great point: How can we as a nation ever be successful in satiating the libs' purported "alliance-building" fetish if we - which is to say, they - keep running out on allies (South Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan) as soon as the going gets the slightest bit tough?

The answer, of course, is to simply make new alliances - with our enemies. And take friends and turn them into enemies. Just ask Jimmy Carter. After all, it may yet win him a Nobel "Peace" Prize.

***This just in - the Palestinians' (you know, the non-ethnicity that has proven itself completely ungovernable and yet still gets doused in hundreds of millions of dollars in Israeli territorial concessions and Western aid subsidies and treated like a "partner in peace") elected leadership wants to kill us all, too.

Kinda gives this report longer fangs, doesn't it?

***Ehud Olmert's lingering survival as Israeli Prime Minister after what should have been the career-destroying debacle at the hands of Hezbollah last summer is, I think, far more indicative of the degenerating state of Israeli national will than it is of any slimey PR legerdemain on his part.

***Looks like Michael Bloomberg may be about to steal John McCain's "independent" thunder - as well as his protege. No wonder "Sailor" is so grumpy these days.

Speaking of whom (Hagel, that is), does anybody, including the Perfidious Devilspawn himself, know what the heck a "single-minded, isolationist, insulationist, power-projector" is? Is that anything like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, or Corpulent Crackhead Karate Cows? My son might be interested in the action figures.

***And why does David Frum want to, for all intents and purposes, call off the '08 election and just hand the country over to Hillary and her minions without even token, symbolic resistance? Has Bruce Bartlett zapped him with Jimmy Neutron's hypno-beam or something? This sounds like how Jim Jones' pre-Kool Aid pep talk must have read. Hopefully, it won't have the same effect.

Won't change the outcome, but at least we'd go down swinging.

***Newt Gingrich is going to throw his hat in the ring, along with several metric tons of excess reputational baggage, and not a single PR handtruck. Or, another messenger dazzlingly outshone by the message he won't be able to carry.

***Rudy Giuliani, after having belatedly declared his blunt support for left-wing social policy radicalism, now says that he won't try to impose it upon the GOP platform. Which is to say, if he gets the nomination, he'll willingly and knowingly run on a platform a significant chunk of which he vehemently opposes and will never carry out (i.e. nominate constitutionalist judges, who would by definition undermine Roe v. Wade) if he is elected.

Did anybody get the number of that turnip truck? Because I sure as shootin' didn't just fall off of it.

***Fred Thompson is going to throw his hat in the ring, but hasn't formally hinted it yet. In the meantime, his speechifying has been described thusly:

In speaking with several people after the event, all came away impressed with Thompson, less with his style, but with the fact that he came into CNP and spoke about an issue that everyone in the room cared about. "He didn't pander, which is something I might have expected, frankly, given his future plans," says one senior former Reagan Administration member. "I expected a laundry list, and instead we got a thoughtful, focused speech on the judiciary. Everyone here cares about judges."

We think Thompson's style is throwing people off. They are used to a candidate too nervous about appearances to stray from prepared text. Instead, they have a fellow who writes much of his own material, stands before them and talks about what he thinks is important.

Not to unreasonably inflate base hopes and expectations, but doesn't the above sound...well...Reaganesque?

UPDATE: Or this?