Saturday, May 12, 2007

Rev. Dean

The brilliant Howard Dean is telling the Democrats to embrace evangelicals. Why? In order to further the message of the Bible? To try and make the world a better place by spreading God's love? Come on now. For VOTES, of course.

"People don't want to go to church anymore ... and come out feeling bad because they happen to know somebody who's gay," he said, according to the Chronicle. "People want to go to church because they know what they can do about poverty, about Darfur, about the environment."

Have you ever heard a more clueless remark? Yep, I go to church to learn how to reduce my carbon footprint, all right. What an idiot.

JASmius adds: Proves that not only is he not a believer, but he has no clue how to (ugh) "embrace" us. Why would I "feel bad" about knowing a homosexual, much less avoid corporate worship because of it? Feel bad for the poor, deceived soul, try to reach out to him/her with the Gospel, certainly. But his/her sin isn't mine, and I've got plenty of my own to confess and be cleansed of in any case.

Bobby, from the comment thread, nails who Dean is aiming at: apostate Christians from the secularized/liberalized mainline denominations who have abandoned true faith in Christ and literal Bible interpretation in favor of "embracing" the things of this world. In the "utopia" that he wants to build, they will be the "true" Christians, and the brethren will be the "Nazi/fascist scum" to be hunted down and....

Well, it's all right here. I've little doubt that Dr. Demented will be right there with them.

But payback will be bitch. Pity we're unlikely to get a foretaste at the ballot box any time soon.