Friday, June 22, 2007

Memo To Quinn

FROM: JASmius, Publisher & Editor-In-Chief & Benevolent Dictator-For-Life, Hard Starboard

TO: Quinn Hillyer, Senior Editor, The American Spectator

SUBJECT: Rectal-Cranial Impaction

I see where you've adopted a crusade for yourself. Namely, the good name and reputation of Lurita Doan, President Bush's General Services Administrator, who is under relentless assault by House Government Oversight Committee Chairman Henry "Nostrildamus" Waxman for the capital offenses of being (1) competent, (2) a Republican, (3) a conservative, (4) a woman, and (5) black. As you yourself boasted today, you've been defending her for the entire six months of this Congress as Waxman has attempted one empty, baseless smear after another, finally prompting ranking minority member (and ex-Chairman) Tom Davis (R-VA) to finally snap the other day and blast Waxman during a Committee session to his difficult-to-look-at face.

All that is fine and good. But something in your last graf really rubbed me the wrong way:

Hear, hear, for Tom Davis! It's time for Republicans and conservatives of all stripes - indeed, time for all fair-minded people - to rally to Doan's defense and keep her from being sacrificed. [emphasis added]

Oh, don't get me wrong, I agree with your sentiments. What bugs me is the way you phrased your clairion call. You see, your site was one of the loudest center-right voices undermining the effort to keep the Republican Party in the majority in 2006. And you were arguably the loudest voice on this site demanding that the GOP be cashiered in order to "teach them a lesson" about their "corrupt," "arrogant," "free-spending" sins. Where was your "it's time for Republicans and conservatives of all stripes" bloviating last summer and fall when it actually could have made a difference?

Has it occurred to you that, whatever your complaints about the late, great Republican majority, a Chairman Tom Davis would not be persecuting Lurita Doan? What about earmarks and pork-barrel spending? Has that gotten any better since your act of rank fratricide? I think not. Federal spending? Gushing out of control, so much so that President Bush is trying to re-invent himself as the Masked Vetoer.

Would a re-elected Republican Congress be bulldozing ahead with a garishly statist energy bill, one huge tax increase after another, and an in-your-face attempt to resurrect the so-called "Fairness Doctrine" and snuff out political talk radio? Oh, yes, and force our unconditional surrender in the desperate twilight struggle against the relentless global jihad? C'mon, Quinnster, even a preppy tight-ass like you can't believe that.

Y'see, there was one redeeming virtue of the GOP running Congress that you never considered, but are only now coming to appreciate: if nothing else, they took up space. The space that the Donks are now using to do all manner of awful things that will precipitate all manner of nasty setbacks and disasters, every one of which the Donks and their Enemy Media cronies will blame on "Republicans and conservatives of all stripes" - and, with the "Fairness Doctrine" back in place, unopposed by any comparable center-right voices (Don't think talk radio will be the end of the lib media jihad - your publication's days will be numbered as well). The space the Donks are using to entrench themselves, Hugh Chavez-like.

The space Henry Waxman is using to make Lurita Doan's life a living hell.

Oh, I acknowledge that all of this political misconduct and mismanagement is the Dems' fault. But myopic morons like you were their enablers by insisting on making perfection the enemy of the good. And so here we sit back in the wilderness we need never have returned to, beholding you polishing your ideological halo, the right-wing principles you claim to venerate little more than abstractions, insufferably banging the drum of movement unity in a cause the object of which you yourself helped to bring about.

If I were Ms. Doan, I'd take all the moral support I could get.

But I'd tell you to go to hell.