Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Jimmy & Nancy, Sitting In A Tree

Ya know, that visual would be nauseating all by itself. Unfortunately, it's just the beginning.

Jimmy Carter (alternately known as Mr. Peanut, The Worst President In American History, America's Goober Plenipotentiary, The Really Poor Man's Bob Vila, Gus Hall With A Twang, Darth Sidious' understudy, and Father Of The Iranian Revolution) took another step toward becoming an Islamist imam yesterday in, of all places, Ronald Reagan's ancestral home of Ireland:

The United States, Israel and the European Union must end their policy of favoring Fatah over Hamas, or they will doom the Palestinian people to deepening conflict between the rival movements, former US President Jimmy Carter said Tuesday.

The Pals have doomed themselves by their own democratic choices. Though "that JC guy" is right in a way. We shouldn't favor Fatah over Hamas - we should oppose both of them and urge the Israelis to wipe both of them out and retake the West Bank and Gaza.

If only he had ever had the ability to talk such refreshing common sense.

Carter, a Nobel Peace Prize laureate who was addressing a conference of Irish human rights officials, said the Bush Administration's refusal to accept the 2006 election victory of Hamas was "criminal."
How did the Bushies not "accept" the Hamas government? Why does Hamas' electoral victory obligate us to lavish aid upon them? Aren't they a terrorist group? Why, indeed, they are. Wouldn't that have made it "criminal" for Bush to have done what Carter demands?

Carter said Hamas, besides winning a fair and democratic mandate that should have entitled it to lead the Palestinian government, had proven itself to be far more organized in its political and military showdowns with the Fatah movement of Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas.
Hamas won control of the Palestinian Authority legislature, not its executive. That's a detail I would have expected an "election monitor" of Carter' dubious stature to remember, even if his corpus collossum is completely unraveled. In much the same way that his equally dubious stature as a "man of peace" ought to at least temper, for discretion's sake, his admiration for Hamas' bloodthirsty "organization." And what of his erstwhile personal loyalty to Yassir Arafat? Isn't Abbas Arafat's protege and hand-picked successor as Fatah chieftain?

I'd wager the Shah and ol' Yassir are comparing estrangement notes in hell as we speak, and looking forward to the day their mutual backstabbing "friend" joins them.

Carter said the American-Israeli-European consensus to reopen direct aid to the new government in the West Bank, but to deny the same to the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, represented an "effort to divide Palestinians into two peoples."
They did that to themselves with their own ballots, and all the bullets that followed. Isn't part of living in a democracy living with one's own electoral mistakes? God knows that's a cross Americans are having to bear these days.

Get a load of this next passage:

Carter said the United States and others supplied the Fatah-controlled security forces in Gaza with vastly superior weaponry in hopes they would "conquer Hamas in Gaza" - but Hamas this month routed Fatah because of its "superior skills and discipline."
Wouldn't a true pacifist, as opposed to a dhimmi traitor, condemn both ends equally? Urge Fatah and Hamas to cease their "civil war" and unite for the good of the "Palestinian people"? That's the insipid line endlessly peddled by the State Department, regardless of administration.

But nooooo. His only distinction is that his favorite Pal faction (the more radically anti-Semitic and anti-American one, natch) came out on top

He said plans to reopen international aid to the West Bank, but clamp down on aid to Gaza, would imprison 1.4 million Gazans. He called for both territories to be treated equally.

"This effort to divide Palestinians into two peoples now is a step in the wrong direction," he said. "All efforts of the international community should be to reconcile the two, but there's no effort from the outside to bring the two together."
Here's an example of who's really "imprisoning" - and worse - Gazans:

Hundreds of terrified Gazans fleeing Hamas rule were trapped at a main crossing with Israel on Tuesday, hoping to gain permission to pass through Israeli territory to sanctuary in the West Bank.

Fearing death or persecution, Gazans flocked to the Erez passage after Hamas militants wrested control of the coastal strip from Fatah security forces last week. Israel, which has no interest in letting masses of Gazans pass through its territory and possibly destabilize the quieter West Bank, has refused to let most of them in, saying their lives were not in danger. ...

On Monday, gunmen allied with Hamas disguised themselves as fleeing civilians and hurled hand grenades at Israeli soldiers and Palestinians at Erez, killing a relative of a slain Fatah warlord, and injuring fifteen other Palestinians.

Are we "imprisoning" Gazans? How? By refusing to subsidize Hamas and its newly established "Taliban on the Med"?

Are the Israeli's "imprisoning" Gazans? I suppose one could twist one's way to such an argument. But wouldn't "quarantine" be a more accurate term?

Or is it Hamas that is "imprisoning" Gazans? Well, who was it that tried to kill all the Gazans - Palestinians, that is - trying to flee into Israel and the IDF soldiers right along with them? And doesn't it speak volumes that Pals would rather live amongst the Jews than perish, quickly or slowly, under the newest branch office of the Global Caliphate?

All of this hateful, obnoxious bowing toward Mecca followed a standard Carter not-so-crypto-Marxist sermon slanding his own country and its twice-elected leader as having "abandoned its role as a supporter of human rights since September 11 (i.e. We didn't immediately offer our unconditional surrender to Osama bin Laden), "torturing" detainees at Abu Ghraib and elsewhere (a long-obsolete lie even by the phony standards of the so-called "torture" debate), and "eroding domestic civil liberties via the Patriot Act" and other statutes (i.e. We refused to let bin Laden try again). You know, because of our "superior skills and discipline," which somehow isn't as peachy-keen neato when the balance of competence tips in the Great Satan's direction.

It's a pity the Georgia Gerbil doesn't just move to Gaza, take the job as Hamas Goober Plenipotentiary, and make it all official. Then these vomitings would actually be fatwas as opposed to just sounding like them.

It's not like it would cost him lionizing eulogies from his fellow seditionists. Crazy Nancy Pelosi, for example, just loves heaping praise, honor, and accolades on miserable old commie SOBs. Almost as much as she does getting on her rickety knees for Muslim thugs like Bashar Assad.

You could almost call it the really poor man's Blue Plate Special.