Friday, June 08, 2007

What They're All About

Take, take, take. The Democrats now want to "punish the rich" again.

House Democrats looking to spare millions of middle-class families from the expensive bite of the alternative minimum tax are considering adding a surcharge of 4 percent or more to the tax bills of the nation's wealthiest households.

Under one version of the proposal, about 1 million families would be hit with a 4.3% surtax on income over $500,000, which would raise enough money to permit Congress to abolish the alternative minimum tax for millions of households earning less than $250,000 a year, according to Democratic aides and others familiar with the plan.

How many times does a policy have to fail before they get it? Here's a radical thought...why not just abolish the AMT outright? Heck, if we could get Murtha and Byrd to retire there would be enough earmark money saved to pay for this and repave every road in America.

The Democrats still think they're Robin Hood.