Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Senile or Just Nuts?

John Murtha amazes me. Over at Rush's site, he analyzes what Murtha is saying about the two liberals who went to Iraq and came back with the stunning (to liberals) news that the surge is working.

"A top Democrat lawmaker today dismissed the findings of two long-time Iraq war critics who cited a dramatic improvement in the situation." This is the New York Times op-ed from yesterday. John Murtha, former Marine, congressional heavyweight on military matters, said, "I dismiss it as rhetoric. I don't know where they were staying. I don't know what they saw, but I know this, that it's not getting better." Murtha was on CNN saying this. "It's over-optimist. It's an illusion."

There you have it. The Democrats gotta stick to their talking points, they can't back away. Folks, they've gone over the cliff. They're in the car, they're over the cliff. They can't jump out and get back to the top of the cliff. They can't revise this. They can't revise what they've been thinking about this. Murtha has been the leading critic. He has been the leading demoralizer of US military forces. It's pathetic. But this is your modern-day Democrat Party.

How can they want us to lose that badly? How can a former Marine get so stupid? Michael Savage is right, liberalism is a disease.

JASmius adds: It's not stupidity, really. It's that people like Congressman "Haw-Haw" have long since passed the point of no return on this stuff. They've spent literally years tearing down the war, crapping on the elected Iraqi government, savaging President Bush, and first condescending to, and more recently defaming, our men and women in uniform. They even regained their congressional empire despite, or, depending upon how you look at it, because of, this relentless, treasonous agitation.

And now, just when final paydirt is in sight, pulling the plug on the war in September, hanging all the subsequent disasters upon Bush and the GOP ("If we'd gotten out sooner, that bloody retreat wouldn't have happened!"), and paving the way for Hillary!'s 2008 coronation, along come two of the Dems' favorite Bush-bashers, in their own leading "news"paper, saying, "Um, guys, the 'Surge' is working and should be given a chance to finish the job."

After all this time, all that defeatist "jaw-jaw," going so far out on that seditious limb, how can elected Democrats possibly turn on a dime and reverse, or even live down, all that loser rhetoric? Maybe Bill Clinton could have, but that's about it.

This is what Limbaugh means when he says the Donks "own defeat". They're so invested in it that to pull out now would ruin them with the lunatic extremist base they've foolishly pandered to and cultivated. Their party would split and disintegrate just like it did in 1968, opening the way for a Mitt Romney or Fred Thompson to win the "third Bush term." Hell, who knows, even the House and/or Senate might come into play, so prominent have Dirty Harry and Crazy Nancy been in all of this.

The psychology of the situation is unmistakable - the Left cannot let the notion of the "Surge" succeeding take hold. And that means sliming anybody and everybody who reports positive news from Iraq - from General Petraeus himself to Michael O'Hanlon and Kenneth Pollack, the two Brookings guys who broke the good news to their fellow jihadi-symps on Monday.

My guess is that visceral reaction will pass and the Dems will ignore the military successes in favor of obsessing on the lack of comparable political progress in Baghdad, claiming that the latter makes the former "pointless." Even though political progress was always seen as a product of the "Surge," not a parallel.

It's all about September, baby. Anything to get that plug pulled once and for all.

At least now it's an actual race.