Tuesday, August 31, 2004

National Suicide As "Realism"

Mr. French has given "pre-emption" a whole new twist - he's trying to surrender to the Iranian mullahgarchy before he's even gotten elected.

[Kerry’s running mate Opie] Edwards said that if Iran failed to take what he called a ‘great bargain,’ it would essentially confirm that it is building nuclear weapons under the cover of a supposedly peaceful nuclear power initiative.

No – really? Ya think? Just how much “confirmation” do you people need?

He said that, if elected, Kerry would ensure that European allies were prepared to join the United States in levying heavy sanctions if Iran rejected the proposal.

How can Kerry ensure that? If this deal is such a “bargain,” why would Tehran reject it? And if they did, how would “heavy sanctions” change their minds? When have “heavy sanctions” ever changed any dictator’s mind?

’If we are engaging with Iranians in an effort to reach this great bargain and if in fact this is a bluff that they are trying to develop nuclear weapons capability, then we know that our European friends will stand with us,’ Edwards said.

How does he know this? What if they didn’t? Wouldn’t Kerry meekly back down on even his “heavy sanctions” because they would otherwise be “unilateral” and thus “alienating” to our “allies”?

Kerry first outlined the idea of providing nuclear fuel to Iran in a speech in June – a proposal favored by many Europeans…

That explains why Kerry embraced this retread insanity.

…but Edwards, who twice described the concept as a ‘bargain,’ was more explicit in suggesting [a] Kerry administration would actively try to reach an agreement with the Iranians.

IOW, he’d give Tehran anything it wanted in order to have that photo-op treaty-signing ceremony, complete with ceremonial grinning handshake.

’At the end of the day, we have to have some serious negotiating leverage in this discussion with the Iranians,’ he said…

None of which he would have precisely because he’d be so eager to “reach an agreement.”

…noting that Kerry would press the Europeans to do much more than ‘taking rewards away’ if the Iranians fail to act.

Meaning what? Military action? He expects them to do our fighting for us in Iran as well as Iraq? With what? How is he going to enable, much less get, them to do this? Talk about American imperialism.

Iran has insisted that it be allowed to produce nuclear fuel, which would give it access to weapons-grade material. Under Kerry’s proposal, the Iranian fuel supply would be supervised and provided by other countries.

IOW, “other countries” would give the Iranians their weapons-grade material instead of them producing it themselves. If this idiocy sounds an awful lot like the disastrous Bill Clinton policy vis-a-vie North Korean ten years ago, go to the head of the class.

What does Kerry call it? “A realistic, non-confrontational policy with Iran.” Since when has national suicide been “realistic”?

One leg of the “axis of evil” is irremovable because of that criminally negligent blunder. Kerry would make it two.

Let him implement his retreat from Iraq and he might just hit the trifecta.