Monday, August 30, 2004

Treason As Patriotism

About the massive mobilization of left-wing rabble that vowed, as Tom Hayden promised last week, to make GOP/NYC’04 “a thousand times worse” than Dem’68’s “Days of Rage” in Chicago, the less said the better. But I will add a comment and what I think is a vastly symbolic quote.

Don’t believe the “upwards of half a million” BS. According to the estimate of the NYPD, there was at most a quarter that number, and they didn’t do much beyond be ignorant, idiotic, and obnoxious.

Don’t believe me? Get a load of this.

Standing in the midst of thousands of protesters Sunday morning, I wondered if any of the individuals in this massive crowd actually believed the self-righteous propaganda.

The catch phrase of the day was, ‘Dissent is Patriotic.’ I saw not a hint of irony on the faces of the mob as they demanded, for hours on end, ‘Republicans go home!’ and ‘GOP scum, leave our city!’

Let's think about this for a moment: There are 5,000 Republican delegates in town for the convention. Protest organizers predict the final count will be somewhere around 250,000 and I've no reason to doubt the figure. So protesters will outnumber delegates 50 to one.

At what point exactly, I asked several members of the Question Authority Brigade, is one group far enough in the minority that they become, well, dissenters?

Sputtering, uncomprehending rage was all I got in response.

And nudity. And profanity. LOTS of profanity.

UPDATE: Okay, the modification of Sean Hannity’s catch-phrase (“Mao, more than ever”) - was worth a chuckle....