Wednesday, September 15, 2004

An Unspoken Lie Is No Truth

The bottom line, as only Jonah Goldberg can lay it down:

Dan Rather says of the memos: ‘The longer we go without a denial of such things—this story is true.’

Well then: I hereby announce that Dan Rather walks around with an elaborate system of studded leather bindings and pulleys under his pants which cause trapped miniature ferrets to bite and claw him in sublimely agonizing ways. In fact, Rather's odd pronouncements are usually the result of a particularly exquisite sadomasochistic pain he's administered to himself just beneath the news desk. The famous ‘courage’ sign-off was actually a note to himself to endure an especially vicious critter in his trousers trying to eat its way out.

The longer Dan Rather goes without denying this the more likely it is the allegation is true.