Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Back to the Future: another Clinton scandal

The Washington Post has the story buried between the tide schedules and casino ads, but they did run it:

"The Justice Department is trying to secure the cooperation of an indicted businessman as it pursues Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton's 2000 Senate campaign for possible fundraising violations, according to interviews and documents.

"The FBI told a U.S. magistrate in Los Angeles two years ago that it has evidence Clinton's campaign deliberately understated its fundraising costs so it would have more money to spend on elections. Prosecutors contend that businessman Peter Paul made donations because he wanted a pardon from President Bill Clinton. ...

"Paul is a three-time convicted felon who hosted a Hollywood fundraising event for Mrs. Clinton in 2000. He alleges he underwrote most of the costs for the event."

Yeah, yeah, I know, this'll go the way of all the iniquities, save Monicagate, that went before it. But with any luck, it'll still be swirling around two years from now when Hillary is running for re-election. Awfully hard it is to run for president when you can't even hold onto a senate seat.

Just ask Opie Edwards. (HT: Captain Ed)